In the center of the Lobby a chest with green particles can be found.
Clicking it will reward player with a bit of schmepls, experience and maybe even geodes.
It can be clicked for a total of 15 times (22 with Daily Chest II skill) once a day (every 23 hours) for various rewards, such as:
1: Schmepls
2: Experience points
3: A random geode, if Daily Chest III skill is unlocked
Amount of schempls and experience points starts off 20
and 2
respectively, but increases by 5% per level.
It's also increased by additional 25% with Daily Chest I skill.
With Daily Chest IV skill, the daily chest doubles amount of schmepls and experience points.
Current daily login streak increases amount of rewards. Days 1-7 give 2.5% multiplier per after which it grants 10% multiplier per day. The multiplier caps out at 28 days.
Clicking the daily chest does not count towards the no-click challenge.
Premium members will get an additional 5 random geodes from the chest.